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Shagatuni.com Review: Is it a scam?
There were very few things, if any, that we liked about Shagatunic.om. Even the mere name of the website is enough to put you off. The target market already speaks for itself. If you are looking for a classy girl for casual sex, Shagatuni.com is definitely not the place where you are going to meet them.
The site is naturally full of university students. These are mostly guys, where the ratio is seriously skewed towards the guys. Simply put, there are too many guys on this website for you to have any real chance of meeting a decent girl. With that said, the guys on here do not exactly embody classy. This site is a complete joke and you are better off choosing somewhere else if you are serious about finding a hook-up.
Shagatuni.com: Why you should join
You should not join shagatuni.com for the simple reason that you are not going to get laid. There is really no other way to put it. There are far too many guys on this site. The guys are also not helping things by being douche-bags and making complete asses of themselves. This scares away the hot girls that actually want to get laid. Even with all the tactics that we have highlighted on our dating guide, you are not going to get laid on this site.
We sent two emails to different girls each day for the three months that we were on shagatuni.com. The results were deplorable. We got just a handful of replies, and these didn’t lead anywhere. We did manage to set up three dates though, but none of the girls showed up. They were not even hot to begin with which made us wonder what you really have to do to get laid on shagatuni.com.
Our Overall Review of Shagatuni.com
This site is a complete sham. Shagatuni turned out to be a complete waste of our time. The web design doesn’t even try. Everything from the overall design to the site features scream cheap. It is like they did not even put in any effort to make the site the best that it could be. There are no controls to get rid of fake profiles or scammers. You would be forgiven for thinking that there are no administrators on this site. There are plenty of obviously fake profiles but any emails to the administrators go unanswered. It is a complete shame that a site like this can be allowed to masquerade as a legitimate dating site.

Shagatuni.com Conclusion
Everything about Shagatuni.com is wrong. There is no reason why anyone should waste their valuable time on this site. There are some great sites out there for hooking up if you are serious. SexFinder.com for example is a perfect site to be on. Read our reviews on the other 4 legitimate dating sites to understand why these are the sites you need to join. Overall, Shagatuni.com is a complete mess and we would not recommend this site to anyone for any reason.